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Guide to Hire the Best Offshore Software Development Company

Author: Innotech Vietnam Coporation
Date: 18/05/2020

In this world, where technology is taking continuous upsurge, software development is just another branch of technology that is growing up day by day. With the demands, taking a splurge, you may be required to look for software developers to expand your business for its successful operations. In such a case, outsourcing software development stands as a feasible alternative to consider to get your work done by experts so that you can keep other core activities of your company as the central focus. 


What is outsourcing?



Outsourcing is a simple process that you can opt as a business owner to get business operations done ahead of your business premises. It is a process of hiring remote professionals and dedicated software development teams who can help you out in your project completion being situated far off lands. 

Getting a team of offshore software developers to join your business team may not be as intimidating as it may seem. As a business owner, you may be required to perform a lot of footwork and research to get experts working for you. So here is a quick step by step guide on how you can choose the best offshore software development partners for your company.


Tips to Find the Best Offshore Software Development Company:


Shedding light on your goals


The very first step while choosing outsourcing partners is to understand the business goals yourself and communicate the same to the IT solution company so that they have a gist on what they exactly have to do.

Adhering to the development needs in lack of local expertise may force you to take a turn towards offshore development. But for your partners to cater to your business problem and offer intelligent solutions, your goals should be clearly defined so that they can get the work done by the right expertise set of professionals.


The first step while choosing outsourcing partners has to understand the business goals yourself The first step while choosing outsourcing partners has to understand the business goals yourself


Having some clear criteria in mind


When you move ahead to explore the market of outsourcing companies, you come across a plethora of options, but choosing the right company makes a difference. For this, one must have some clear criteria well defined in their mind for their chase of the best outsourcing company. It is quite a challenging task to find a company that can match all your standards. But it would be best if you chalk out a few critical criteria that your prospects should essentially cater to stand high in your selection list.

May it be the technical process, development process, price, expertise, expertise, or any similar attributes, jot it down so that you can judge by marking the companies out of 10 in your criterion meter.


Portfolio check


Checking out the past work experience of the company that you are planning to choose is another mandatory task to perform. It is like hitting the bull’s eye when you get to hang around the previous customers of the outsourcing company. You can inquire about the company’s client handle to get a brief idea about its working pattern. Also, you should run a credential check to gain an insight into the authenticity of the company.


Checking out the past work experience of the company that you are planning to choose is another mandatory task to perform Checking out the past work experience of the company that you are planning to choose is another mandatory task to perform


Selecting the perfect offshore location


Getting work done remotely from any part of the world is the most high-end advantage that you can enjoy when outsourcing your software development needs. But while doing the same, which company to choose, there are a few things that may continuously hit your mind, such as which location is ideal for offshore software outsourcing development. For this, you need to understand that every country has its own advantages and disadvantages. Taking into account the pitfalls and benefits of a particular destination can be a smart move to select the country boundaries where you would find a perfect offshore partner.


Connecting with the best


Once you finalized the location, the next thing is to get connected with the best people in the vicinity. Googling the best companies in that particular location will help you to pick the best one that can meet all the criteria in your mind. 

Start by jotting down all the companies on your list, further ranking them on the pre-set parameters. And the company that tops your list and checks all the right boxes is the one that you should go ahead and shake hands with.


Choosing the best companies can meet all the criteria in your mind.  Choosing the best companies can meet all the criteria in your mind.


Taking a peep into the vendor directory


Many people are not aware of the same, but there are a few dedicated websites that can ease out your search in finding the best companies around the globe that excel in providing IT solutions. These directories are no less than helping sisters that have the capability of finding a solution to your outsourcing hunt for a company based on the services provided by them. Based on the focus industry, protecting size, location, etc., you can filter the vast pool of talent and select one according to your choice.

These directories also help in verifying and checking the reliability and trust quotient of the vendor. To sum up, we can say that these directories help in laying out a roadmap that you can traverse picking a company according to your preferences.


Certification check


A company that claims to be at the top spot in offering top-notch services always has few certifications to flaunt. So, if you want to perform a quick check whether the company that you are planning to choose is actually worth choosing, then go lookout for their certificates.

 If you happen to find that the company owns membership in different chambers, business communities, and other associations, it is a symbol for you to show a green flag.


Hitting the internet


There may be various reasons to hit the internet while running a company selection search. But this time we advise you to visit the particular company’s website. Keeping their website alive and posting regular updates is a sign of efficient service providers. So hit their websites and search for their latest blogs, updates, office location, job posts, career sections, services, expertise, portfolio, etc. to gain a better insight into the company’s whereabouts.


Go social


In today’s era, social media is something that doesn’t only let you spend some free time swiping through all the entertaining new feeds and friend’s posts but also has spread its roots to upscale businesses.

To get connected with the best offshore service provider, you can go social and ask for recommendations on social media. You can further check out reviews and testimonials before making a call to the concerned company to outsource your work.


You can further check out reviews and testimonials on social channels before making a call to the concerned company to outsource your work. You can further check out reviews and testimonials on social channels before making a call to the concerned company to outsource your work.


After-sales support


Even the smallest bugs and glitches are enough to cause a big breakdown, ultimately resulting in substantial business losses. So, if a company treats you well, in the beginning, to offer you their services in return for money from your side of course and then turn their back to you, is a sign for you to stop.

Before sealing the deal with an outsourcing company, make sure that you ask them their means and measures adopted to provide after-sales service. After-sales service is mandatory to maintain the good health of your software.


Aftersale service is required to maintain good health for your software Aftersale service is required to maintain good health for your software


Software development requires a considerable investment and may also require further upgrades and transformation, which is a call for after-sales service. So, place your trust in a company only when you are sure that they will partner with you for long-term catering to your after-sale requirements.


Connect with the vendors


Proper communication is the essence of getting things falling in the right place. Lack of communication ends up spoiling the broth. So, connect with the vendors in your list to judge them on how fruitful they can be for your business

Just for instance, if you find that an offshore company that is not taking much interest in your quests and inquiries, their name should be cancelled. Software development is not a one-time deal and thus requires you to have people who can give ears to your queries. On the other hand, quick responses are a positive sign that may force you to provide a few extra points to a company that does the same.

In all, contacting the vendors on your list can help you get an effective shortlist to proceed with finalizing the top scorer.


Being physically and mentally present during the hiring


Now when you have picked on a vendor, the next step is to get in talking terms with them to discuss everything in detail, ranging from the delivery model to communication channel and deadlines, etc.

You must have a mental and physical presence of mind at such an instance so that you can ask them all the questions that haunt your mind to determine their efficacy.


The paperwork


If you happen to find the vendor to be satisfactory to shoulder your software solution development work, the next step is to bring everything in black and white. There should be a legal base before entering into an agreement. Everything should be listed down in the contract draft, starting straight from the liabilities to property ownership, timeframes, and collaboration.

Once the two of you agree on the terms, you can proceed further to seal the deal and release a final version of the agreement.


The final recruitment


So, once you have followed all the scrutiny processes, the final step is recruitment. The recruitment process may vary depending on your preferences, may it be a screening process or an interview, you can proceed ahead with it according to your defined rules.

Regardless of whichever method you choose for the hiring process, ensure that you define some specific selection criteria for every specialist that you come across during the process.




Outsourcing your software development needs to an offshore software company is a great way to expand your business with a few remote professionals on the go. But the catch lies in getting the right set of people to work for you. In summary, we have a list of reliable offshore software companies such as Innotech Vietnam, Saigon Technology Solution, TechTiQ Solution, etc. So, you can rely on choosing the right company for your business.


Innotech Vietnam always strives to meet the needs of customers with the highest quality products and services. We have experienced working with demanding customers in Japan, the USA, and Australia. We are completely proud of the solution we bring to clients.

If you are looking for an Offshore Software Development company to provide solutions for your company. Contact experts at Innotech Vietnam for any questions about Offshore IT Staff!

Email: [email protected]

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