Dedicated Development Team

Dedicated Development Team: "Your Vision, Our Expertise"

We have tailored development teams, expertly designed to match your needs. At Innotech, we specialize in curating exceptional squads of software wizards and digital talent from Vietnam. Imagine having your hand-picked team stationed at our innovation hub, seamlessly collaborating to bring your vision to life.
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We Define

Crafting Your Ideal Team

At Innotech, we define a dedicated team as a dynamic, long-term partnership, a strategic fusion of development prowess and business growth.


We're not just attracting people - we're attracting the best. Our recruitment process transforms into a symphony of expertise, swiftly composing the perfect ensemble for your unique needs.


Imagine a workspace that isn't just functional, but fosters creativity and loyalty. We've meticulously designed an environment that beckons developers to stay and thrive.


We have skilled technical architects and expert managers to guide the team to its goal through effective leadership and strategic decision-making.


Bid farewell to the burdens of administration. Legalities, taxes, contracts, and payrolls - we've got you covered. With us, your focus is where it should be - on innovation and growth.

Our Benefits

We Are Masters of Global Remote Collaboration

Navigating the complexities of remote work on a global scale is second nature to us. Here's how we make effective remote working happen:


Slack, Jira, Confluence, Teams, Zoom, Github, Google, Figma, Trello - Our toolkit includes a suite of virtual meeting platforms, instant messaging applications, and project management software. These tools keep our teams connected, engaged, and synchronized, regardless of their physical location.


Cloud Culture

Cloud technology is our remote work philosophy. We've adopted a cloud-centric approach that allows team members to access essential resources, files, and documents from anywhere in the world.


Busting Burnout

We understand that the well-being of our dedicated teams directly impacts the success of our clients. So we commit to making sure no one burns out. Our commitment goes beyond caring for our team members – it's about delivering exceptional results for you


Our projects are grounded in validated modern technologies such as Python, NodeJS, Ruby, ReactJS, .Net, MongoDB

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We Provide

The Expertise We Cultivate

We specialize in constructing dedicated development teams that fulfill a spectrum of competency requirements, custom-tailored to your specifications. We prioritize individuals with a proven track record, evidenced by contributions on platforms like Stack Overflow, Github, or other pertinent avenues. Your team's prowess is our commitment.

Front-end development
Back-end development
Web app development
Mobile app development
Quality Control/ Assurance
Automation Engineer
Automation Testing

Advantages of Our Engagement Model

Say Hello to:
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    The exclusive team devotes dedicatedly just to your project.

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    Being flexible to manage the team's scalability.

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    Culture-fit despite of the long-distance relationship development.

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    Maximizing cost vs resources.

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    Consult with IT and Resource Experts for the best team formation.

6 - 12 dev

average team size

12+ years

operation and growth

1+ year

minimum target collaboration

Client’s Story

The Success Story Of My Clients

Unifimoney のケーススタディ

Unifimoney(Unifi)は、サンフランシスコを拠点とするチームによって開発されたデジタル資産管理サービスであり、7か国語以上を話す国際色豊かなチームが支えています。 Unifimoney は、伝統的な 金融サービス の知見とデジタルの革新性を融合し、両方の長所を兼ね備えたサービスを提供します。 従来の金融のセキュリティ、安定性、コンプライアンスを維持しながら、デジタルの柔軟性と革新性を活かしています。 モバイルアプリ開発  について詳しく読む


献身的な労働力と卓越性へのこだわりにより、Innotechは近年、事業規模とグローバル展開を急速に拡大してきた。しかし、会社の成長とともに、人材管理に関する課題も増大した。 この問題を認識したInnotechは、最新で効率的な人事管理ソリューションの必要性を感じ、HRMアプリ「KingWork」を開発。KingWorkは、リモート勤怠管理、自動管理、革新的なワークフローのタイムシート、保険管理、オンボーディング/オフボーディング、休暇管理、リマインダーなど、幅広い機能を提供する。Innotechは、これらの機能を活用し、人事プロセスを強化し、拡大する従業員のサポートを目指している。

TymeBank のデジタルバンキングアプリ

TymeBankは、南アフリカで初めてコアバンキングプラットフォームをクラウドに移行した銀行です。TymeBankのシステムの85%はAWSクラウドアプリケーションであり、システムのスケーラビリティ、一貫したセキュリティ、コスト効率を実現しています。また、TymeBankはテクノロジーを活用し、Pick n PayおよびBoxerストアとの戦略的提携を通じて、物理的な支店の必要性をなくしています。この運営コストの削減と小売店舗の全国的な展開により、これまで銀行サービスへのアクセスが困難だった推定1,100万人の未銀行層の南アフリカ人に、新たな金融機会を提供しています。 Read more about Mobile App Development 


Rentは15年前に設立され、賃貸物件を探して確保するのを支援することを目的としていました。本社は西オーストラリア州パースにあり、シドニーに衛星オフィスを構えています。彼らは、多様な個性を持つフレンドリーな変わり者たちのチームであり、大規模なウェブサイトと国内最高評価の不動産アプリを運営しています。 そこから、レンター向けのさまざまなツールやサービスを開発し、賃貸をより便利で柔軟かつ安全にすることに貢献してきました。一朝一夕に実現したわけではありませんが、オーストラリアでレンター向けに特化したナンバーワンのサイトであることを誇りに思っています。

Our Offering

Explore our offerings beyond your technical needs

Guidance for business

Our experienced leadership team of serial entrepreneurs and investors can guide you through upcoming business challenges via biannual coaching sessions, including: Developing quarterly fundraising strategies and advising on revenue generation

Modern approach

Driven by commitment to the tech solutions we cultivate, we're fully prepare to dive into investment models like SAFE, RBS, venture debt, equity crowdfunding, ICO and STO. This emphasizes our dedication to fostering innovation and growth across diverse avenues, ensuring vibrant and effective partnership

Assistance for operations in VN

We're a pfofessional team from Vietnam, committed to cost-effective solutions. We're here to assist you with demanding operational tasks. Our back offfice support includes HR, Finance, Admin and IT services, allowing you to concentrate on your forte: crafting the product you're passionate about.


What do our client say


Ben Soppitt

Founder & CEO of Unifimoney

Innotech Vietnamは、私たちが知る中で最高のアウトソーシング企業の一つです。彼らは優秀な人材プールへの最高のアクセスを持っています。 ITVは信頼できる長期的なパートナーであり、ビジネスの安定を見出せる存在です。そのプロフェッショナルなサービスは、私たちの基準にも適合しています。

Chris Bennett

Centre Director TYME Global

Innotechは単なるアウトソーシングベンダーではなく、最初から私たちにとって重要な技術パートナーです。 Innotechは高いコミットメントを持ち、高品質なモバイルアプリを予定通りにリリースできるよう支援してくれました。彼らは称賛に値します!

ACB Bank

Asia Joint Stock Commercial Bank

Innotechはプロジェクトを予定通りに納品し、クライアントの期待に応えました。 メールやオンライン会議を通じて頻繁かつ迅速に連絡を取り合い、効果的なワークフローを確立しました。思いやりのある姿勢と柔軟な対応が、彼らの仕事の特徴でした。


GM Technology of Rent

Contact Us

Turn your idea to life

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We’re here to help and answer any question you might have.
We look forward to hearing from you.

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your idea!


Come with us to brainstorm
your idea!

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs About Dedicated Team

  • Our process begins with a thorough understanding of your project's intricacies. We collaborate closely with you to grasp your objectives, challenges, and specific needs. This information guides our selection of team members with the right skillset and experience. The result is a dedicated team that's not only aligned with your project's unique requirements but is also equipped to exceed your expectations.

  • Flexibility is a cornerstone of our dedicated team model. As your project evolves, our team seamlessly adapts. Whether it's scaling the team size, adjusting skillsets, or realigning priorities, we ensure that the dedicated team remains agile. This adaptability is essential to keep pace with changing project dynamics while maintaining a high level of quality.

  • Our selection process is meticulous and comprehensive. It involves evaluating technical expertise, experience, and cultural fit. We carefully review candidates' track records, which may include contributions to platforms like Stack Overflow and GitHub. This ensures that every team member possesses the skills and mindset required to contribute effectively to your project's success.

  • We exclusively recruit the finest talent in Vietnam, specializing in the dedicated team model. Over the last 8 years, our unwavering commitment to enhancing service quality is evident through the following statistics: . 5-10 positions per month are filled by our recruiting specialists. . 200+ projects delivered remotely.

  • Absolutely. Our dedicated team model allows us to tap into a diverse talent pool, ensuring that your project benefits from a range of expertise and skills relevant to your requirements.

  • We carefully plan overlapping working hours, ensuring a significant window for real-time communication and coordination. Additionally, we maintain detailed documentation to bridge any potential gaps in communication.

  • We implement stringent security measures, including restricted access controls, data encryption, and compliance with industry best practices to safeguard your information.

  • We carefully plan overlapping working hours, ensuring a significant window for real-time communication and coordination. Additionally, we maintain detailed documentation to bridge any potential gaps in communication.