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More Vietnamese banks implement eKYC solution

International and domestic banks in Vietnam are gearing up to boost their e-Know-Your-Customer (eKYC) process to provide customers with a seamless onboard experience and reduce paper-based procedures. The State Bank is also urgently completing a legal corridor to promote this activity. From July up to now, many banks have implemented eKYC solution and obtained outstanding […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 13, 2020


Vietnamese banks accelerated digital transformation

Industry 4.0, digital transformation is now no longer a choice; it is an inevitable development trend for businesses, consumers and society. In Vietnam, Digital Banking has become a cornerstone of financial software development. As a report, 94 percent of banks in Vietnam are investing in digitization, and 42 percent of them consider digital baking a […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 13, 2020

Offshore Outsourcing

Vietnam is the best choice for software outsourcing

Vietnam is a destination for many leading tech companies to have software development outsourcing. The best workforce, cutting-edge technologies, and incredible cost-competence combine harmoniously to deliver excellent results. Recently, prominent US tech companies such as Intel, IBM, and Microsoft, etc. have been actively and continually investing in Vietnam. Many tech companies from other developed countries […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 12, 2020

Mobile Application

Tips to outsource mobile app development in vietnam

Mobile app development services are becoming increasingly important for thousands of businesses because these apps or software for handheld and mobile devices can lead to more opportunities for increased revenues and productivity. Enterprises can also achieve more exposure and be introduced to new markets and new clients. While deciding to build a mobile application, there […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 12, 2020

Mobile Application

Mobile App Development Services For Singapore Companies

Vietnam is increasingly a hot destination for Singaporean companies to look to when they want to outsource software or application development. Let Innotech Vietnam find out the reasons why Singaporean companies should choose Mobile App Development Services in Vietnam!   Vietnam is becoming an attractive destination for mobile app development services   Competence of the […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 11, 2020

eKYC Solution

Giải pháp eKYC toàn diện cho doanh nghiệp P2P lending

Các công ty P2P lending đang dần được hợp thức hóa lĩnh vực kinh doanh về dịch vụ tài chính và nếu như thông tin đó chính thức được thông báo vào cuối năm 2020 hoặc đầu năm 2021 thì một làn sóng các công ty P2P Lending sẽ xuất hiện trong năm 2021. Một […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 11, 2020
Top HR trends dự đoán trong năm 2020 và 2021

Kingwork - A Modern HRM Flatform

Top HR trends dự đoán trong năm 2020 và 2021

Công nghệ ứng dụng vào mảng quản lý nhân sự cùng các xu hướng dưới đây cho thấy trong những năm tới các chuyên gia nhân sự sẽ có nhiều việc phải làm. Miễn là các doanh nghiệp còn tiếp tục tuyển dụng nhân sự thì quản lý nhân sự sẽ vẫn là yếu tố […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 11, 2020

Offshore Outsourcing

How to find an offshore development center in Vietnam 2021

Offshore Development Center is becoming increasingly popular and standing out among other outsourcing methods recently. And Vietnam is speeding up on the way to becoming one of the top destinations for Offshore Development Center. In the article, we will introduce how to find an offshore development center in Vietnam 2021.   What does ODC means? […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 9, 2020

eKYC Solution

Công ty chứng khoán nên chọn eKYC dạng cloud hay on-premise?

eKYC – Định danh khách hàng điện tử là một giải pháp hiệu quả được ứng dụng trong bước đầu tạo mối quan hệ giữa khách hàng và các công ty chứng khoán. Hiện nay trên thị trường chỉ có khoảng chưa đến 10 công ty chứng khoán triển khai giải pháp eKYC mở tài […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Nov 6, 2020

News - Events

Innotech – Ngày Truyền Thống Từ Thiện ITV [2022]

[INNOTECH CHARITY PROGRAM] Profit is nothing without Social Responsibility – Kim chỉ nam của Innotech Vietnam. Ngày 24/9 vừa qua, công ty Innotech Vietnam đã tổ chức thành công chuyến đi thiện nguyện tại Tu viện Liễu Quán, Đắk Nông. Hơn 1000 phần quà đã được trao tận tay những người dân đang sống trong […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Sep 27, 2022

News - Events

BNI Master’s Business Tour at Innotech

Yesterday, Innotech extended a warm welcome to our guest – BNI Master for visiting our head office in HCMC.💙   The business tour began with a short conference hosted by our CEO – Mr. Linh. After getting to know more about Innotech’s establishment and our services, the guests were shown around our office and also […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Sep 16, 2022

News - Events

CEO Nguyễn Vũ Linh và sứ mệnh kinh doanh phụng sự cộng đồng của Innotech

Hội khuyết tật tỉnh Quảng Ngãi phối hợp với Qũy Trái tim nhân ái đã tổ chức thành công chương trình thiện nguyện “Gắn kết yêu thương, sẻ chia gắn kết” đồng hành cùng người khuyết tật Lần thứ 2 vừa diễn ra tại TP Quảng Ngãi cùng sự góp mặt của nhiều nghệ sỹ […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Jun 22, 2022

Fintech Blogs

Dự Báo Fintech: Blockchain, Tiền Ảo Và Tiềm Năng Thống Trị Tương Lai  

Sự phát triển của công nghệ thông tin, những đổi mới liên tục trong ngành tài chính cũng như sức tăng trưởng khủng khiếp của tiền ảo đã làm thay đổi hoàn toàn cách chúng ta sử dụng tiền tệ. Vì vậy, tiềm năng phát triển của Blockchain và tiền ảo là vô cùng lớn. […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Feb 17, 2022

Fintech Blogs

Neobank: The Pros & Cons Explained

Neobank is an increasingly popular keyword in the Fintech industry. However, not everyone clearly understands what Neobank is, or its advantages and disadvantages.   What is a Neobank?     Neobank is a kind of digital bank, with no transaction offices, no bank branches. It allows customers to open an account, manage money, register for […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 26, 2021

Fintech Blogs

Top 10 Fintech trends to consider in 2021

During the pandemic, Fintech still grows up and stays strong. The reason is people now relied on virtual financial services as they cannot go out for any offline transactions. People also believe that one person in cities and big cities uses Fintech at least one time in their lifetime. Now let see what is top […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 14, 2021

Case Studies

Unifimoney Secures $10m Seed Investment For Its Neo Bank Application

Unifimoney Inc., the turnkey digital wealth management platform for Community Banks and Credit Unions, raised $10 million in a seed round on April 6, 2022. Unifimoney’s product development and operations will be strengthened as a part of the investment, which will enable the company to support alternative assets such as cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based services.    As […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Apr 13, 2022

Case Studies

Unifimoney – Neo bank

Unifimoney is a full-featured Neobank for high earning professionals which is based in San Francisco but a genuinely international team speaking over 7 languages between them.

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Aug 11, 2020

Case Studies


Unifimoney is a full-featured Neobank for high earning professionals which is based in San Francisco but a genuinely international team speaking over 7 languages between them.  Unifimoney brings together the experience of both the traditional financial services world and the digital to create a service that is the best of both worlds. With the security, […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 11, 2020

Kingwork - A Modern HRM Flatform

HR Technology Trends in 2023: Bridging the Gap Between HR and Innovation

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, Human Resources (HR) has become a strategic powerhouse. Gone are the days when HR was solely responsible for administrative tasks and paperwork. With the advent of technology, HR has undergone a significant transformation, adopting innovative tools and strategies to attract, manage, and retain top talent. In this comprehensive article, […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Nov 21, 2023

Kingwork - A Modern HRM Flatform

[HRM] Những Điều Doanh Nghiệp Cần Biết Về Phần Mềm Quản Lý Nhân Sự

Quản trị nguồn nhân lực HRM trong thời đại 4.0 đã trở nên rất khác so với quản trị nhân sự truyền thống. Các phần mềm quản trị nhân sự HRM nổi lên và thế chỗ cho các công cụ thủ công khác. Sự ra đời của các phần mềm HR đã hỗ trợ doanh […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Nov 28, 2022

Kingwork - A Modern HRM Flatform

The leading Cloud-based HRMS solution in Vietnam

For an enterprise, people are the center of success and sustainable development. Therefore, human resource management system (HRMS) is increasingly interested and has made great strides. In which, Innotech Vietnam provides the leading Cloud-based HRMS solution.   Cloud-based HRMS solution     Cloud-based HRMS is a human resource management system with data stored on a […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Sep 16, 2021


Reading the Unreadable: OCR AI ’s impact on Document Processing

Most business processes involve extracting information from printed media. Forms such as paper, invoices, scanned legal documents, and printed contracts are integral to business operations. Managing these voluminous documents requires significant time and space, prompting the integration of OCR AI technology.

ByInnotech Vietnam Dec 7, 2023


Open AI: Unleashing the Power of Open Artificial Intelligence

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the concept of open artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining immense prominence. This article delves into the world of open AI, shedding light on its potential, risks, and its role in shaping our future. Join us on this exciting journey as we explore the fascinating realm of open artificial intelligence. […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Nov 21, 2023


Những ứng dụng hàng đầu của công nghệ AI trong ngân hàng

Từ khi trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) xuất hiện, nó đã tạo động lực cho nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau. Hãy cùng chúng tôi tìm hiểu và khám phá những ứng dụng hàng đầu của công nghệ AI trong ngành ngân hàng!   Trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI) là gì?       Trí tuệ […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Coporation Apr 21, 2020
how expensive is offshore outsourcing cost in Vietnam

Offshore Outsourcing

Vietnam: The Cost-Effective Choice for Offshore IT Outsourcing (2024 Rates)

Vietnam has emerged as an attractive destination for offshore outsourcing, particularly in the Information Technology (IT) sector, thanks to its competitive costs and skilled workforce. Low production costs and an abundant, diverse labor pool have captured the attention of global companies.  Have you ever wondered why many international companies choose Vietnam as their outsourcing destination? […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Feb 23, 2024
advantages and risks of outsourcing

Offshore Outsourcing

Advantages and Risks of Outsourcing

When considering outsourcing, weighing the advantages and risks associated with this practice is crucial. Outsourcing, as a strategic business practice in today’s globalized economy, involves delegating specific tasks or processes to external service providers. Despite its advantages, this approach comes with its own set of challenges that businesses often encounter. According to a report by […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Feb 16, 2024

Offshore Outsourcing

A Comparative Analysis of the Costs and Performance of IT Outsourcing in Vietnam vs. the United States

In the dynamic landscape of modern business operations, the practice of IT outsourcing company functions, services, or projects has become increasingly prevalent. This strategic approach enables enterprises to focus on their core competencies while leveraging external expertise to handle IT-related tasks efficiently. As companies seek to optimize resources and reduce costs, the comparison between IT […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Feb 7, 2024
best technology trends - Innotech Vietnam

Software Development

7+ Best Technology Trends You Must Know (2024 & 2025)

Best technology trends are the beacons that guide us towards the future. As we navigate through 2025, a year brimming with potential, we must stay ahead of the curve.    Here’s why: By 2025, 77% of organizations will shift from piloting to operationalizing AI, making it a cornerstone of business strategy. This is just a […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Jul 16, 2024
Best Programming Languages for AI - Innotech Vietnam

Software Development

5 Best Programming Languages for AI In 2024

Looking for the best programming languages for AI? We’ve got the top 5 popular answers that you must try! Believe it or not, one such field that still has roped in the growth phase is artificial intelligence (AI). According to a Grand View Research report, the global artificial intelligence market is expected to reach USD […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Jul 10, 2024
Best AI Coding Assistants for Programmers - Innotech Vietnam

Software Development

5 Best AI Coding Assistants for Programmers in 2024

Are you looking for the best AI coding assistants? Here are our top 5 with excellent autocomplete features. We ranked #1 as the most advanced AI code assistant that we have ever seen!   Coding is often like a labyrinth, with each line of code opening up into a mess of new challenges and complexities. […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Jun 28, 2024

Website Application


気づきましたか?世界は別の場所です。ビジネスのルールが変更されました、採用、従業員の検索、新しい顧客へのアプローチ、それに彼らはあなたに連絡するため新しい方法があります。規模の経済がへんこしました。巨大な規模で物事を行うにはより費用がかかり、ミクロの規模で実施するには安くになっています。マスマーケットアイテムは魅力を失い、人々はフランチャイズの同一性の世界で本物の個人的なつながりを切望しています。     お客様として、私たちはすべての情報を知りたい。会社の製品が何であるか、それらがいくら、そして私達にそれらを購入するときどのような利益を得るかを知りたいのです。Facebook、Google, Twitter、Yelp、その他の何千ものウェブサイトを通じて、他のユーザーがあなたの会社の製品にコメントしたことを知りたいです。 もちろん、これについても追加で支払いたくありません。   私たちはクライアントの声に耳を傾けてきており、ウェブでの成功を支援するまったく新しい方法を生み出しました。ここでは、Webプロジェクトの一般的な実行方法に関する10の問題を示します。私たちはこれらの問題をすべて経験しましたが、重要なことに、それらを解決する方法を見つけました。     問題1:誰もがそれがいくらになるか知りたいです。       Web開発プロジェクトの予算を決定する必要があります   以前のやり方では、特定のプロジェクトにかかる費用はわかりませんでした。問題の一部は、あなたが何を購入したいのか、または勝利を宣言してプロジェクトを完了するまでにどれだけの細かい作業が必要かが分からないことです。     解決策1:前払い予算に同意する。     達成しようとしていることに対して予算が妥当かどうかをお知らせします。それがタイトな場合は、機能の優先順位付けを支援し、予算が使い果たされる前に重要な機能が最初に実行されるようにします。     問題2:要件が明確に確定されていない。     過去15年間にウェブ開発会社を雇ったことがあれば、完成したサイトの外観と運用方法について非常に具体的かつ詳細である必要があることを学んだことでしょう。プロジェクトの全体的なコストは、いくつかプラットフォームを悪い選択にする最終的には一見マイナーな要件に基づいて大幅に変化する可能性があります。     問題3:ビジネス上の理由で要件を変更する必要がある。     あなたは新しいウェブサイトプロジェクトに参加し、要件が本当に必要ないくつかの重要な機能を無視するか、ソースデータを十分に指定していないことを認識します。 開発者が契約を再交渉して変更の順序を追加する必要があるため、すべての作業を停止しています。 彼らはより多くを支払っていて、プロジェクトが遅れているので、顧客は不満です。開発者は、自分がやっていることをやめ、商売について話さなければならないことに不満を感じています。そのため、これを行わずに作業を投入するだけで、支払いに苦労することがよくあります。     問題4:要件により、より適切なソリューションに変更を防ぐ。     私たちはサイトの構築の途中にあり、別のアプローチまたはプラットフォームを選択した場合、最終結果はクライアントにとってはるかにうまく機能することを理解しています。しかし、現在の開発の道筋をたどってバックアップするのは十分であり、元のアプローチは要件を満たしています。私たちはより良いサイトを提供することに不満を抱いており、顧客は最終的には不格好なサイトになってしまいますが、クライアントに戻って再交渉するよりも簡単です。   ソリューション2、3、4:要件を解く     要件は1つの目的を果たします。要件は、一方の側がもう一方の側からより多くの作業またはより多くの現金を引き出すために使用できる地面の利害関係です。これはほとんど常に恨みを生み出し、小規模なWebプロジェクトではほとんど必要ありません。   誤解しないでください。何が購入され、何が提供されるかについて明確な合意を持つことが重要です。問題は、大量の変数があり、プロジェクトの進行中になるまでそれらの多くが発見されないことです。プロジェクトで考えられるすべての落とし穴を特定するための基礎を作ることは、おそらくプロジェクトの実際の作業の約半分です。ほとんどの場合、それはクライアントが実際の結果なしに行うよりもはるかに多くの投資です。このような性質の「発見プロジェクト」を数多く行ってきましたが、ほとんどの場合、計画よりもはるかに多く発見に費やしました。プロジェクトの残りの部分を獲得できなければ、損失を被ります。つまり、それをカバーするのに十分なだけ料金を支払っているクライアントに請求する必要があるということです。   厳格で迅速な要件を持つ代わりに、お客様が目標を特定し、優先順位でランク付けするのを支援します。以前に完了した構成から始め、予算を使用して、その構成を目標に向けて変更します。     問題5:新しいサイトを立ち上げるには継続することがが必要です。   […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Jun 19, 2020

Mobile Application

[TECH TREND] Doanh Nghiệp Có Nên Sử Dụng Mô Hình Dịch Vụ SaaS?

Sự ra đời của SaaS đã cách mạng hóa cách thức cung cấp phần mềm, trở thành một xu thế tất yếu mà không một ai hay lĩnh vực nào có thể đứng ngoài cuộc chơi.   1. SaaS Là Gì?   Software as a Service (SaaS) là mô hình phân phối dịch vụ ứng […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Mar 9, 2022

Mobile Application

The Best Programming Languages For Mobile App Development

Mobile phones have now become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. We use our phones to access the internet, communicate with family and friends, make transactions… Therefore, there is a growing need for mobile app development and understanding of mobile programming languages is becoming increasingly important. The following are the best programming languages you can […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 17, 2021

Mobile Application

Reliable P2P Lending App Development Company in Vietnam

A P2P lending app can help both lenders and borrowers have a good experience when using services. Aside from that, investing in P2P lending app development gives a great advantage in cost reduction. Finding a reliable P2P lending app development company is very difficult because the software market has a larger number of providers, and […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 7, 2021
6 Compelling Reasons to Choose Custom eCommerce Solutions


6 Compelling Reasons to Choose Custom eCommerce Solutions

What benefits can custom eCommerce solutions bring to your business? Is it worth investing? The eCommerce industry is growing fast and is projected to achieve as much as $6.86 trillion by 2025. At this rate of growth, the choice of platform becomes very critical to any business operating in such a competitive space. Off-the-shelf solutions […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 16, 2024
Shopify vs woocommerce vs Magento - Innotech Vietnam


Shopify vs Woocommerce vs Magento: Which eCommerce Platform is Better?

Shopify vs Woocommerce vs Magento: The right platform could mean success or doom for your online business. At projected global ecommerce sales of $6.3 trillion by 2024, the stakes don’t get any higher.   Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento clearly lead the process, but which fits your needs best?   Shopify hosts over 4.6 million live […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 7, 2024
Winning Products Dropshipping - Innotech


Top 20 Winning Products Dropshipping to Boost Sales in 2024

2024 & 2025 are the year to turn your online business dreams into a reality with the exciting world of dropshipping. The great thing about this business model is that it’s simple, low-cost, and requires minimal effort to set up your eCommerce store, find products to sell, and promote them through social media and search […]

ByInnotech Vietnam Aug 1, 2024